Car shredder
TF500 car shredder
SECTOR: ELV, SM, aluminum profiles
SIZE: 2100 [mm] - 83"
TPH: 15 - 30 [ton/hour] *
Car shredders
MRF1716 car shredder
SECTOR: ELV, SM, heat engines
SIZE: 1750x1600 [mm] - 69"x63"
TPH: 15 - 30 [ton/hour] *
Car shredders
MRF1716 special feeder
SECTOR: ELV, SM, heat engines
SIZE: 1750x1600 [mm] - 69"x63"
TPH: 15 - 30 [ton/hour] *
C&DD: Construction and Demolition Debris
MSW: Municipal Solid Waste (RSU Italiano)
WEEE: Waste of Electric and Electronic Equipment (RAEE)
H&CW: Household & Commercial Waste
WW: Wood Waste
BW: Bulky Waste
SM: Scrap Metal/Mixed
ELV: end of life vehicle
ES: electronic scrap

* Production depends on the type of input material and the output dimensional result.